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Career in Economics

Economics is a science that deals with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of various goods and services within a particular country. Individuals, groups of people, business concerns or by governments, carry on these activities. The study of economics is aimed at enabling such individuals to carry out activities related to goods and services in such a manner that optimum benefit is obtained from the activity.

Its realm encompasses a study of production processes, distribution processes, consumption patterns and human behaviour during all these processes. The aim is to devise the most effective way of functioning, taking all relevant factors into consideration. Different countries have different ways of functioning; therefore the economy may accordingly be capitalistic, communist or socialist. The economists of a country function as per the guidelines of the economic system prevailing in that country. They research and monitor demand and supply, exchange rates, business trends, taxation, employment rates, inflation, and costs of materials and based on this they try to find trends and develop predictions. Further, globalization and consequent merging of world economy has widened the career prospects of economics student in business, education, government, and the non-profit sector.